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목록에러 (2)
밝을희 클태
[react-native / 리액트 네이티브]ERROR Error: [Reanimated] Mismatch between JavaScript code version and Reanimated Babel plugin version (3.5.3 vs. 3.4.2) 에러
ERROR Error: [Reanimated] Mismatch between JavaScript code version and Reanimated Babel plugin version (3.5.3 vs. 3.4.2).See `` for more details.Offending code was: `function anonymous(){const{createLayoutAnimationManager}=this._closure;globa..
마모리(My Memory) 프로젝트
2023. 9. 21. 14:29
[react native / 리액트 네이티브] 에러 Error: Reanimated 2 failed to create a worklet, maybe you forgot to add Reanimated's babel plugin?
react-native-reanimated를 설치하고 나니 아래와 같은 에러가 난다Error: Reanimated 2 failed to create a worklet, maybe you forgot to add Reanimated's babel plugin?...babel.config.js을 수정하지 않아서 나는 오류다해결 방안babel.config.jsmodule.exports = { presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'], plugins: ['react-native-reanimated/plugin'],};위와 같이 plugins를 수정해 준다
마모리(My Memory) 프로젝트
2023. 7. 13. 18:44